e-workings electronic marketing services

Social Marketing - Facebook, Twitter & More

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Keep Your Social Calendar Full - And Business Thriving - With Social Marketing

When Facebook was designed in 2004, it was available only to college students. Once developers saw
the potential, they made it available to almost anyone. Today, Facebook enjoys over 2.41 Billion users.

Twitter is an equally inspiring story. Since the popular social site's beginnings, it has acquired over 330 million
regular users
and is still growing, especially among the rich and famous as a way to keep in touch with their fans.

And don't forget YouTube. Businesses can post videos ranging from how-to's to testimonials and other
business-friendly clips. With over 5 billion daily views, YouTube is the largest social marketing vehicle in the world.

The simple fact is that social marketing is the wave of the future. Count the dwindling number of pages in the
average newspaper. Justify the exorbitant costs associated with phone book ads. Price out a broadcast campaign.
Then research businesses exceeding their marketing goals - regardless of the economy - and ask yourself what they
are doing differently. You'll find that businesses that are thriving are taking advantage of social networking, and
have merged their online marketing efforts with a regularly maintained system of social site inclusion.

Don't be "anti-social." Expand your business with Social Network Marketing.

Social Marketing. The Tip of the Marketing Iceberg. It's Time to Sink or Swim.

YouTube has over 5 billion views per day. That exceeds the combined totals of all three major US networks. Over 300 hours of video are uploaded every minute, and the average viewer is online more than 40 minutes per day. YouTube traffic is projected to increase 35% every year.

FaceBook enjoys 2.41 Billion active users. Half log in EVERY DAY. There are more than 8 billion pieces of content, and 4 billion photos are uploaded each month. The average user spends over 50 minutes online per day, and the average number of friends (potential referrals) is 130 per person.

Twitter has over 100 Million registered users. Each day, over 300,000 more sign up. Users create over 55 Million tweets per day. Among Twitter's active users, more than 37 percent use their cellular phone to tweet daily - a number that is certain to increase.

Click HERE to see our latest clients and work experience.

Contact E-Workings today to develop your Social Marketing strategies.
Become a part of it today. Social Media will be to Marketing what television was to Entertainment.

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