e-workings electronic marketing services

E-Mail Marketing and Electronic Promotions

Web Site Design Search Engine Marketing Email Marketing E-Newsletters Social Marketing E-Marketing News

You no longer have to go "postal" to get your message to the masses.

Not that many years ago, our mailboxes were full, mail trucks were overloaded... and mailmen had sore backs.

Direct mail insured we were kept abreast of the latest offers from our favorite companies. From mail-order pantyhose to the latest gift catalogs, we were informed, and, if things went well, ready to buy. Unfortunately, direct mail was an incredibly inefficient way to get a message across.  Historically, if just 3% of the people you sent your mail to responded, the campaign was considered a success.  As a result, a whopping 97% of direct mail pieces business owners paid to get designed, printed and mailed to customers landed swiftly in the trash along with other direct mail.

Times have changed. Today there are almost four billion email users. A whopping 293 billion emails are sent every day, and 90% of US internet users have gone online today to check their email. In fact, over 57% check email every day.

Email marketing helps you build relationships with customers, while also allowing the use of targeted lists that show people who have previously - or have lately - showed interest in your products or services. It promotes your products, develops sales and can be easily controlled to take advantage of delivery times. In addition, you can quickly develop promotions for an immediate effect on sales. Last but not least, email marketing gives you the unique ability to gather information on your customer's buying habits, and provides other important data you can use for future promotions.

Let E-Workings deliver your email. Through rain or snow... or dark of night.

E-Mail Marketing. Approved by Mother Nature.

According to Conservatree, an average tree creates up to 8,333 sheets of paper. Based on over 247 billion emails sent each day, email marketing - as a replacement for direct mail - currently saves some three million trees every day!

Consider the improved response rates a properly administered email campaign can have. Add that benefit to the real earth benefits email has over printed promotions, and your company gets the best of both worlds.

Contact us for No-Obligation Analysis and Free Cost Estimate on E-Mail Marketing Packages.
It time to take advantage of the latest email technology to market your products and services.

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