e-workings electronic marketing services

E-Newsletters and Content Management Systems

Web Site Design Search Engine Marketing Email Marketing E-Newsletters Social Marketing E-Marketing News

E-Newsletters - a Viable Part
of Any Electronic Marketing Campaign

E-Newsletters are effective marketing vehicles that help generate leads, increase sales, attract new customers and help establish an online company as an authority in its field. Today's e-newsletters include pictures, graphs, links and more, and provide business owners a cost-effective way to convey important sales messages to their target audience. Another advantage is that e-newsletters can banked in a "news" area of your company's website for a general information vault your customers and prospects will appreciate. Tagged with that newsletter's main topics, they give your audience a wealth of information about your company and offer the latest news in the industry. Potential clients can also find those newsletters on social marketing networks like Facebook and Twitter, allowing them to easily sign up for future issues.

E-newsletters also offer a high level of measurability and data collection. In addition to developing client lists and buying habits, it is now easy to know exactly how many people actually open an e-newsletter, what links were selected, what pictures were enlarged, and how long they spent reading it. You can also automatically resend your e-newsletter to anyone who did not read it initially.

Read All About It. Without All The "Extras."

E-Newsletters are quickly gaining acceptance to business owners and consumers alike due to their effectiveness and ability to track important information. Statistics can also be analyzed to maximize your follow-up approaches. It is now easy to contact your targets based on the specific interests they registered by clicking on certain links. A campaign's results can be quickly analyzed to sharpen your marketing programs to a clean, smooth, razor-sharp edge....for a fraction of the cost of conventional newsletters.

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Consumers who subscribe to electronic newsletters generate 34.25% more product sales.
t us show you how you, too, can use technology to develop an effective e-newsletter campaign.

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